Sort by second field within a group header



I have a main table containing various processes (i.e., sales, training,
etc.). This table tblPickActivity is related to the main table and others in
my 2007 database:

Training Write procedure 2
Training Prepare outline 1
Training Finalize draft 3
Sales Contact customer 1
Sales Market Research 2

The above fields are populated on a form where the user chooses a variety of
activities, and then indicates the sequence order. I want to keep the
flexibility of being able to change the sequence as they add new activities.
The other related tables include information about what (multiple) tools are
needed and who is responsible.

Here's the question: In my report, I am showing the process and then
reflecting the activities included in that process. I am using the ACTIVITY
field as a group, so that the detail will indicate the related tools and
persons responsible. I would like to sort the groups (activities) in order
using the SEQORDER field which I placed in the group header alongside the
Activity, however, I can't get this to work. I cannot group by SEQORDER as
you can see there may be multiples of the same number.

I'm relatively new to the 2007 version, and find the grouping/sorting
feature a little confusing. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Allen Browne

In the Sorting And Grouping pane (bottom of the window in report design),
you can make multiple entries.

You have ACTIVITY as the first group/sort.
Add another row below that in the SnG pane, for the SEQORDER.
The report will then list the items under each activity in the sequence

You probably don't want the SEQORDER text box in the ACTIVITY Header. Put it
in the Detail section if you want to display it beside each entry.
Alternatively, choose to make a SEQORDER group Header (in the SnG pane) if
you want a separate header line for each item under each activity.


Thank you! Last night as I was working on it again, I realized my error, and
I was in fact able to make the SEQORDER my grouping, because within a
process, the activities are sequenced, so therefore each sequence number
would be unique. Thank you so much for all your wisdom and help that you so
generously provide us amateurs! You are the best. - jb

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