sort certain datas in a wide range of datas



Say I have 3 columns with lots of datas:
Column A: Order #
Column B: Part#
Column C: Catergory #

A2: Order# 021006 B2: 111 C2: Wire
A3: Order# 021006 B3: 222 C3: Machine
A4: Order# 021006 B4: 333 C4: Tool
A5: Order# 021006 B5: 444 C5: Tape
A6: Order# 021007 B6: 222 C6: Machine
A7: Order# 021007 B7: 333 C7: Tool
A8: Order# 021007 B8: 444 C8: Tape
A9: Order# 021008 B9: 111 C9: Wire
A10: Order# 021008 B10:222 C10: Machine
A11: Order# 021008 B11:555 C11: Bearing

What I need to do is to set up macro to do the followings:
1. Show a list of all order # without repeating # (in this example, i
should show only 3 orders 021006, 021007,021008)
2. Show only part # in 3 catergories within the above orders: Wire
tool and tape.

I would appreciate for any of your help



Glen Mettler

I think what you need is a filter and not a sort.
You can do this directly without a macro.
Select Data, Filter from the menu and proceed from there.
(select 021006 in column A, and Wire or Tool in column C)
This will only give you the possiblity of 2 categories.

If you need more than that you will need a macro with
a more elaborate filter. You will need to create a user form with fields
for Order#, Part#, Nomenclature etc.
that the user can enter appropriate data and then a command button that
executes the filter. Also you might
consider another column entitled Catagory that contains an appropriate code
and then filter on that.



Hi Glenn;
I tried to use the filter option, but I could never get close to what
need. In column A, I have more than 50 order numbers that change daily
The very first thing that I need to do is to click a button that i
turn, will show me a list of all order numbers I receive daily (withou
repeating numbers). The pivot table will give me that but I have to g
through many step to get me that.
I really appreciate for your help.


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