I have a query where I group by a name, then trans date, then type (with a
count on type). Currently, it is giving me a count of type by name and day.
Group 1 - 1/1/08 - Type A - 34
Group 1 - 1/2/08 - Type A - 34
I would like to get count of type by name and year.
Group 1 - 2008 - Type A - 1650
I do not know how to do sql stuff, so I'm hoping for a simple something that
I can type in the criteria box. If not, please be detailed on how to do what
I need to do. Thank you for any help!
count on type). Currently, it is giving me a count of type by name and day.
Group 1 - 1/1/08 - Type A - 34
Group 1 - 1/2/08 - Type A - 34
I would like to get count of type by name and year.
Group 1 - 2008 - Type A - 1650
I do not know how to do sql stuff, so I'm hoping for a simple something that
I can type in the criteria box. If not, please be detailed on how to do what
I need to do. Thank you for any help!