Sort dates



I've read around and no one seems to answer just the straight
question on how to sort by date in a column.

I wrote a post before and was answered and confused me more than

All I want to do is sort a series a dates in order. The dates are in
the form DD/MM/YYYY. This is all in one cell. So how would I sort this
in chronological order.

Thank you


Have you tried sorting with dates. I assume if you are posting a problem
that it isn't working. Read your other postings. If you still have problems
then ask additional questing on the previous responses so we can help you
understand what is happening. We certainly don't want to confuse you. It is
sometimes difficult to know the level of expeience a person who is posting
has with excel. We try to answer the question at the level the person will
understand. Sometimes we are wrong and answer a question beyond the persons


looks like you have multiple dates in a single cell...

Excel sorts cells in a column (across rows) and not within a cell.

One was is to
1. Separate them out into separate columns by using Data|Text to table option
2. Convert them into dates (excel will do it for you automatically if dates
are valid)
3. Transpose them into a Column (Copy then Data|Paste Special|Transpose
4. Sort


Sorry, I mean Text to Columns option

Sheeloo said:
looks like you have multiple dates in a single cell...

Excel sorts cells in a column (across rows) and not within a cell.

One was is to
1. Separate them out into separate columns by using Data|Text to table option
2. Convert them into dates (excel will do it for you automatically if dates
are valid)
3. Transpose them into a Column (Copy then Data|Paste Special|Transpose
4. Sort


If you are using Data -> Sort and this is not working in your column,
then it may be that the dates are stored as text. To make sure that
Excel views them as dates, convert them using the DATEVALUE() function
in another column.

For instance if the dates are in A1:A10, in cell B1 enter
=DATEVALUE(A1), then fill this down to B10. Then Excel will have a set
of date values that can be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY, and you should
then be able to sort them.


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