If the problem is that you can't find the equivalent of Word 2000's "Query
options", it's not really surprising as it is now quite well hidden.What you
need to do is display the Edit recipients dialog box (you can either use the
option in step 3 of the mail merge wizard, or enable the mail merge toolbar
(Tools|Customize) and use the button in there (third from the left). Then,
to sort a single column, all you have to do is click on the column label at
the top (not the drop down arrow at the side of the label). This is similar
to the sort facilities in lots of other software so clcik again and sort
ascending should toggle to sort descending. To get to the old Query options
dialog, click on the dropdown arrow and select Advanced.
That does the trick here, and the records appear to be in the right
sequence, but you may find that things go wrong in some cases when you try
to change the sort sequence and/or when you close and re-open the main
document. There are definitely some bugs in this area with certain types of
data source and there isn't much you can do about it.
Also, You may be better off initiating the merge from Outlook (select a
contacts folder/view then use Outlook Tools|Mail merge... ). I think using a
sorted view should do the trick but you'll need to try it for yourself.