Sort order in report



I have a report that is based from a table that I have sorted Ascending.
When I run the report, for some reason it is not generating with that
Ascending order. I am using Sorting and Grouping in the report;
Field/Expression =Left([Label2],1) Sort Order, Ascending; Group Properties
Header Yes; Footer Yes; Group on Prefix Characters; Group interval 1, keep
together, no.

Any suggestions or ideas why my data isn't sorting correctly is appreciated!


I figured it out. I had to make another entry in my Sorting and Grouping
dialog with just Owner/Ascending.

Jerry Whittle

The first thing to know is that the sort order in either a table or query
means nothing to a report. In fact you can speed up some complex reports by
removing the sort order in its query.

It looks like you are sorting on just one character as you are using the
Left function. Then you are grouping on prefix characters of just one. Seem
redundent to me.

Also you are sorting on a field called Label2. Is the the field that you
wish to sort on? Often something named 'Label' is just that, a label and not
the actual data.

Could you show use some of the data in question and how it is being sorted.

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