sort rows



Is it possible to lock data in rows so they dont mix up when you sort?
I know it would be better to use an database program as Access, but
ive been asked to work in excel and i really need this function since
people are gonna mess my data up otherwise.

Thankful for any help!



It sounds like you should protect your worksheet to prevent users from
invoking functions that would harm your data/structure. It's under Tools >>
Protection >> Protect Sheet. Then you can select the functions you do want
to allow. If there are cells that the users have to edit, you can unlock
them individually (Format >> Cells >> Protection) and then enable that when
you set the worksheet protection.

Does that help?


If all columns and rows of the data are selected before sorting, all of the
rows will sort correctly.

To lock rows of data together, use the List function available in Excel
2003. To use this function, select all columns and rows of the data, then
from the Data menu, select List, Create List - (shortcut is Ctrl + L).

Let me know if this helps.



ive been using protect sheet and then allowing users to use autofilter
and its been somewhat ok.

Im gonna try your advice Peggy as soon as i get back to work monday, i
will let you know. Thx



Now i realize why i havent found that function. :eek:)

The company uses Excel 2002.
Is there a way to do this is 2002?

I found some advice to use Insert -> Name -> Define, but i havent
completely figured out how it works.


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