Sorting 4 rows of data and changing the text of the highest value.



I have a worksheet which shows many rows of data from 7 vendors. Each of the
7 vendors are listed in columns. I need to sort through this data. What I
would like to do is to have the prices from each vendor in row 1 compared and
make the highest value in row 1 blue, the second highest green, 3rd blue,
ect... Then repeat this process for all of the data rows. This way I can
get a quick visual observation of the vendor which has to most items in the
lowest or highest category.


Make the color selection you want for the 1st 7 rows. Then copy these cells
to the rest of the work shhet using Paste Special only pasting the Formating.


Joel thanks for the help, however that did not sccomplish what I am trying to
do. I want to sort the values of each cell in each row. I want to see the
highest value in one color proceeding in different colors as the value
decrease. For example in row 1, D1 may be highest value thus is colored blue
and A1 may be the lowest so it would be red. On row 2 E2 might be the
highest thus would be colored blue, A2 might be next and is colored orange,
while B2 is the lowest and ends up being red.

This is what I am searching for.


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