Function QuickSort(VA_array As Variant, _
Optional V_Low1 = -1, _
Optional V_high1 = -1)
Dim V_Low2 As Long
Dim V_high2 As Long
Dim V_val1 As Variant
Dim V_val2 As Variant
'If first time, get the size of the array to sort
If V_Low1 = -1 Then
V_Low1 = LBound(VA_array, 1)
End If
If V_high1 = -1 Then
V_high1 = UBound(VA_array, 1)
End If
'Set new extremes to old extremes
V_Low2 = V_Low1
V_high2 = V_high1
'Get value of array item in middle of new extremes
V_val1 = VA_array((V_Low1 + V_high1) / 2)
'Loop for all the items in the array between the extremes
While (V_Low2 <= V_high2)
'Find the first item that is greater than the mid-point item
While (VA_array(V_Low2) < V_val1 And V_Low2 < V_high1)
V_Low2 = V_Low2 + 1
'Find the last item that is less than the mid-point item
While (VA_array(V_high2) > V_val1 And V_high2 > V_Low1)
V_high2 = V_high2 - 1
'If the new 'greater' item comes before the new 'less' item, swap
If (V_Low2 <= V_high2) Then
V_val2 = VA_array(V_Low2)
VA_array(V_Low2) = VA_array(V_high2)
VA_array(V_high2) = V_val2
'Advance the pointers to the next item
V_Low2 = V_Low2 + 1
V_high2 = V_high2 - 1
End If
'Iterate to sort the lower half of the extremes
If (V_high2 > V_Low1) Then Call QuickSort(VA_array, V_Low1, V_high2)
'Iterate to sort the upper half of the extremes
If (V_Low2 < V_high1) Then Call QuickSort(VA_array, V_Low2, V_high1)
QuickSort = VA_array
End Function
If speed is important then there are faster ways to do this in VB6