Sorting a protected sheet



I have a spreadsheet that has columns with formulas. I need people to enter
data in some fields, but I need the formulas protected so they can't change
or delete them. I have the formula columns locked and have protected the
sheet. I selected "select locked cells", "select unlocked cells", "sort" and
"auto-filter" as the things I want all users to be able to do.

I have tried and tried to sort and I can't. I get a message saying that I
have to unprotect the sheet before I can sort. That completely defeats the
purpose of locking the formula columns.

Is there any way I can have columns locked and protected and still allow
users to sort the spreadsheet?

Barb Reinhardt

This is what the HELP file has to say about it.

Using any of the Sort commands on the Data menu, or the Sort buttons on the
Standard toolbar. Users can't sort ranges that contain locked cells on a
protected worksheet, regardless of this setting.

The only other way I can think to do this would be via VBA. You could
UNPROTECT the sheet, SORT as desired and REPROTECT the sheet. It's not
foolproof, but it's better than nothin'.

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