Conrad Santiago
What is an efficient way to sort data in an array?
For example, I have a list of tasks and I want to apply macro commands to
these tasks sorted by Start Date. I'm assuming I'll need to store these
tasks into an array in order to sort them for use in the rest of the macro.
I'm just not sure whether I need to create a second array in which to store
the sorted tasks. Also, is it necessary to cycle thru each task a number of
times equal to the count of tasks to test each comparison?
This is more of a conceptual question. I'm just throwing it out there to
see what comes back. Thanks in advance for any responses.
Conrad Santiago
For example, I have a list of tasks and I want to apply macro commands to
these tasks sorted by Start Date. I'm assuming I'll need to store these
tasks into an array in order to sort them for use in the rest of the macro.
I'm just not sure whether I need to create a second array in which to store
the sorted tasks. Also, is it necessary to cycle thru each task a number of
times equal to the count of tasks to test each comparison?
This is more of a conceptual question. I'm just throwing it out there to
see what comes back. Thanks in advance for any responses.
Conrad Santiago