Sorting and Ranking




I am working on a database which created financial reports of projects for a
state department of health. The projects must be prioritized for budgetary
purposes. There are two steps to this process.

1)The current system calls for scoring the projects by 6 criteria, totaling
this score, then sorting by the score.

2)Thereafter, the projects must be sorted by previous year priority to break
any ties.

Two Questions:
How do I create the double sorting?
Once I get to this point, how do I priortize the projects (1-?) and SAVE
that priority into the appropriate table?

I know this is confusing but ANY help is appreciated. Many thanks, and
please let me know if you need clarification.

Adam Kemp


You need to post your table structure stating the table and field names with
their datatype so queries can be suggested.



Here is the aforementioned table and structure.

Table: Project Data
Project ID (Text – Primary Key)
Criteria 1 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 2 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 3 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 4 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 5 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 6 (Number, Long Integer)
Previous_Year_Priority (Number, Long Integer) <-- Currently accessed via a
query bring the new priority from the previous year and copied in the form
via a script. May not work with any suggested methods.
New_Priority (Number, Long Integer) <-- This is the value I need to set.


Several things --
Your data structure is like a spreadsheet and not a relational database. It
should look like this --
Table: Project Data
Project ID (Text – Primary Key)
Criteria (Number, Long Integer)
Rating (Number, Long Integer)
ProjectYear (Number, Long Integer)

You should not store a calculated value - New_Priority - as input values
change so does the validity of the calculation.

This query will revise the data from what you have now to my suggestion --
SELECT [Project ID], 1 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 1] AS Rating, #1/1/2008# AS
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 2 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 2] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 3 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 3] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 4 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 4] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 5 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 5] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 6 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 6] AS Rating, 2008 AS
FROM [Project Data];
Save the query as ProjCriteria.

SELECT [Project ID], Sum([Rating]) AS SumOfRating
FROM ProjCriteria
WHERE [ProjectYear] = 2008
GROUP BY [Project ID];
Save the query as ProjCriteriaSum.

Then use the query below to rank.

SELECT Q.[Project ID], Q.Points, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ProjCriteriaSum Q1
WHERE Q1.[Project ID] = Q.[Project ID]
AND Q1.[SumOfRating] < Q.[SumOfRating])+1 AS Rank
FROM ProjCriteriaSum AS Q
ORDER BY Q.[Project ID], Q.[SumOfRating];



Thanks for all that great help. The reason the New_Priority is a field to be
stored is that there are times it must be manually overwritten. Please advise
on this issue if you get a chance.


Several things --
Your data structure is like a spreadsheet and not a relational database. It
should look like this --
Table: Project Data
Project ID (Text – Primary Key)
Criteria (Number, Long Integer)
Rating (Number, Long Integer)
ProjectYear (Number, Long Integer)

You should not store a calculated value - New_Priority - as input values
change so does the validity of the calculation.

This query will revise the data from what you have now to my suggestion --
SELECT [Project ID], 1 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 1] AS Rating, #1/1/2008# AS
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 2 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 2] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 3 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 3] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 4 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 4] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 5 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 5] AS Rating,
#1/1/2008# AS ProjectYear
FROM [Project Data]
UNION SELECT [Project ID], 6 AS [Criteria], [Criteria 6] AS Rating, 2008 AS
FROM [Project Data];
Save the query as ProjCriteria.

SELECT [Project ID], Sum([Rating]) AS SumOfRating
FROM ProjCriteria
WHERE [ProjectYear] = 2008
GROUP BY [Project ID];
Save the query as ProjCriteriaSum.

Then use the query below to rank.

SELECT Q.[Project ID], Q.Points, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ProjCriteriaSum Q1
WHERE Q1.[Project ID] = Q.[Project ID]
AND Q1.[SumOfRating] < Q.[SumOfRating])+1 AS Rank
FROM ProjCriteriaSum AS Q
ORDER BY Q.[Project ID], Q.[SumOfRating];

Build a little - Test a little

F1stman said:

Here is the aforementioned table and structure.

Table: Project Data
Project ID (Text – Primary Key)
Criteria 1 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 2 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 3 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 4 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 5 (Number, Long Integer)
Criteria 6 (Number, Long Integer)
Previous_Year_Priority (Number, Long Integer) <-- Currently accessed via a
query bring the new priority from the previous year and copied in the form
via a script. May not work with any suggested methods.
New_Priority (Number, Long Integer) <-- This is the value I need to set.

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