Sorting Blanks?



Excel2003 ... I have formulas which calculate some cells to ... "" ... Blank

Issue ... When I sort these cells the "" (Blanks) come to the top ... I wish
to disregard the blanks & not have them sort to the Top.

Can I do this? ... How? ... Thank ... Kha

Dave Peterson

Maybe you can add another column to the range to be sorted and use a formula
that returns a value that would sort to the bottom of the range.


Then drag down the range and sort by this field.


Problem is ... I need to sort "Ascending" as well as "Descending" ... In
either case I wish the cells carrying the "" (blank) to be @ the bottom ...

Thanks ... Kha

Dave Peterson

Change the formula to return what you want before you sort. Just make it larger
than the largest value or smaller than the smallest.


add one more column to dave's answer wherein
Then drag down the range and sort by this field.

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