Sorting Columns



I'm trying to sort a large sheet by one particular column.
I select the whole sheet and go to sort, sort by: column x
The first 426 rows sort fine but then the sort starts over
like the sheet is divided into sections. I inherited the
sheet so I don't know how it was set up. The cells aren't
locked. I have looked to see if there is a section of some
kind but don't see one. Could you please help me find what
I'm obviously missing? Thank you in advance.

Have a great day,

Tim Otero

When sorting, it is important to make sure all rows and columns you wish to
sort are included. If there is a break in the data, i.e. empty rows or
columns, the sort will not, by default, span those breaks.

In order to make sure all data is included in the sort, eliminate empty rows
or columns, or highlight all rows you wish to be included.


Ken Wright

Sounds like your data could be a micture of numeric and text, despite it all looking the same.
Give us an example of what the data looks like and what the entries are where it appears to start
over. One quick fix if that is the case is to copy an empty cell, select all your data and do
Edit / Paste Special / Add. This won't change any numbers but will coerce any textual data back
to numeric.

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