Sorting data rows independently



Hello all,

I have a large dataset in excel that I need to sort by abuncance rank
It includes information on the abundances of each of 154 differen
plant species at each of eight locations, during six different samplin
periods (3 years, fall and spring) with twenty replicates per site (plo
number). There are separate site, season, year, and plot columns t
identify individual records, as well as one column for each species.

I need to sort the species data in each row by rank-within-row fro
most abundant to least abundant. Thus, the values don't need to b
linked with the species name headers anymore. I just need to creat
rank-abundance profiles for each replicate sample. I hope that part wa

Then I want to calculate the proportion of of the row total abundanc
that each species contributes. Then (it goes on), I want to calculat
mean rank-abundance profiles for each site by sampling dat
combinations by averaging across the 20 replicate plots. I want to d
this part twice - once with the proportion data, and once with the ra
data. Here's how the data is organized. There are 960 rows:

Site Season Year Plot# Species1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4.... Sp154
A Spring 2003 1 0 5 2 15
A Spring 2003 2 5 0 1 3

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