sorting dates in another sheet



Hi, I wonder if any one can help I have a sheet that has rows of dates in
that look like this
31 October 2009 26 December 2009 20 February 2010
There are several rows and they are all have a persons name in the first
cell A1 and a start date in the next A2, the other rows are populated with
dates in two monthly intervals now because the start dates are all different
they are really hard to read each month, What I would like to do is open a
new sheet ( call it dates in order) and have 13 columns first one with a list
of names and then the next 12 the months of the year, then I would like to
transfer all the dates for January 2009 from the first sheet into the column
headed January against the original name that is was linked to in the first
sheet and so on, I would then make another sheet for 2010. I hope this makes
sense, Can it be done?

Thanks in advance , Barry.


You'll need a macro. it is pretty easy to write one but I would like you to
post some sample row of the data. Your explanation doesn't clearly specify
everything I would need to write the macro.


Hi, Joel, Sorry about the delay replying the site said the questions option
was not working so I did not relise it had been posted, what I have is a
sheet ( I can call it master) in cell a2 is a list of names then in b2 a
start date then each cell after that is 56 days after the cell before, what I
would like to do is look at all the dates in row 2 and copy any dates that
are in january into another sheet (call it sorted dates) in the other sheet
cell a2 would be a copy of the name from a2 in the (master) then in b2
(sorted dates) I would like copy any dates from row b2 to z2 that are January
2008 and in c2 Febuary 2009 from the same range in the master sheet and so on
to December 2009 both sheets have names listed down to row 12.


19 June 2008 14 August 2008 09 October 2008 04 December 2008
13 July 2008 07 September 2008 02 November 2008 28 December
13 December 2007 07 February 2008 03 April 2008 29 May2008
This is how the dates comes in, this is three rows , I would like to copy and
sort in another sheet, so all the junes from the three rows are in one
column, so if it is column b then b1 would have any june dates from the first
row, b2 would have any june dates from the second row and so on.


Yes I thought it did but the columns are still mixed up which ever way I
tried it, either sort by row or column, it still did not put all Januray in
the first column and all the febuary in thr next and so on.


I wrote 2 macros. One to create the worksheets. the 2nd to put data into
the worksheets.

Sub createsheets()

StartYear = InputBox("Enter start year : ")
EndYear = InputBox("Enter end year : ")
For MyYears = StartYear To EndYear
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = MyYears
For MyMonth = 1 To 12
Cells(1, MyMonth + 1) = MonthName(MyMonth)
Next MyMonth
Next MyYears

End Sub

Sub MoveDates()

With Sheets("Sheet1")
RowCount = 1
Do While .Range("A" & RowCount) <> ""
Employee = .Range("A" & RowCount)
ColCount = 2
Do While .Cells(RowCount, ColCount) <> ""
MyDate = .Cells(RowCount, ColCount)
MyYear = Year(MyDate)
MyMonth = Month(MyDate)
With Sheets(CStr(MyYear))
'check if employee already exists
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=Employee, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
NewRow = LastRow + 1
.Cells(NewRow, MyMonth + 1) = MyDate
.Cells(NewRow, MyMonth + 1).NumberFormat = _
.Cells(c.Row, MyMonth + 1) = MyDate
.Cells(c.Row, MyMonth + 1).NumberFormat = _
End If
End With
ColCount = ColCount + 1
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

End Sub


From worksheet type ALT-F11 to get to VBA window

Add a new module from VBA menu Insert Module

Paste code into module sheet

Type Alt F11 to get back to worksheet.

Run macro from menu
Tools - Macro - Maros and choose the correct macro. Run the macro to create
the sheet first and only run the macro once. It will give you an error if
you run it twice since the worksheets already exist.


I have loaded as advised and loaded the dates (01/01/09) and (31/12/09) it
has then come up with Run-time error `13`: Type mismatch, I pressed Debug
and it highlighted with an arrow
For MyYears = StartYear To EndYear.
What did I do wrong?


We must be using slighlty different version of VBA or with different
settings. the problem is the inputbox is returning a string and on my PC it
accepted the string and your computer it didn't try this change

StartYear = InputBox("Enter start year : ")
EndYear = InputBox("Enter end year : ")
For MyYears = StartYear To EndYear


StartYear = InputBox("Enter start year : ")
EndYear = InputBox("Enter end year : ")
For MyYears = Val(StartYear) To Val(EndYear)


Hi Jole , yes that worked and the sheets have loaded ( which was really
impresive by the way), I have run the second macro ( movedates)and it has
come up with Run-time error `9`:
Subscript out of range
And has highlighted :- With Sheets(CStr(MyYear))
Sorry I am really becoming a pain in the arse.


CSTR() takes the number of the year like 2007 and makes it a string. the
tabs in the worksheet are strings and you entered a number.

the error probaly occured becasue you have a year on the worksheet that you
didn't include it the worksheet that made the worksheets. If you had a date
2006 and you only create sheets for the year 2007 to 2010 then you would get
the Error 9.

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