sorting dates



Hi, I wonder if any one can help I have a sheet that has rows of dates in
that look like this

31 October 2009 26 December 2009 20 February 2010

There are several rows and they are all have a persons name in the first
cell A1 and a start date in the next A2, the other rows are populated with
dates in two monthly intervals now because the start dates are all different
they are really hard to read each month, What I would like to do is open a
new sheet ( call it dates in order) and have 13 columns first one with a list
of names and then the next 12 the months of the year, then I would like to
transfer all the dates for January 2009 from the first sheet into the column
headed January against the original name that is was linked to in the first
sheet and so on, I would then make another sheet for 2010. I hope this makes
sense, Can it be done?

Thanks in advance, Barry.

Sean Timmons

So, on the original sheets, are the names across column A and the dates in
rows 2 to, say, 13?

Or sre the all down a row?

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