sorting files using vba



ok this is my problem,
I have a list that i have an inital sort to move them to there pages i
excel by the user name. The sort looks like this

Logon cbourassa YORK TUE 9:00 a.m.
Logoff cbourassa YORK TUE 5:00 p.m.
Logon cbourassa YORK WED time
Logon cbourassa PARIS WED time
Logoff cbourassa PARIS WED time
Logoff cbourassa YORK wed time

and i have a list of about 10 entries, now what i want to do is sor
threw the list take all the mondays and put them to gether and then al
the tuesdays and so on and so forth so it sort of looks like this

Logon Logoff MachineName Hours
Mon 9:00a.m 5:00p.m YORK 8
TUE 8:00a.m 4:00p.m YORK 8

now the only problem i will run into is that sometimes there ar
multiple logon/logoff for on day becuase i will be on 2 machines, so
need some error checking to make sure that logon and log off match.
Then once the days of the week are done i need it to total the hour
row and then it will be done. I kno this is alot but if you could hel
with just a section or all of it, it would be greatly appreicated

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