Sorting & Grouping Calculation Problem



I hv this sample table

Tbl One
Prod SaleAmt
A 100
B 150
A 200

Tbl Two
Prod Desc
A Aha
B Bla

I make one query to display prod desc together with saleamt. At this stage
everything seems to be Ok.

Problem arise when i create a report from the query and group the report by
desc. My result will be as follow

Desc SaleAmt
Aha 0
Bla 150

Footer for Desc will display 450.

What could have been wrong

Appreciate your help

John W. Vinson

I hv this sample table

Tbl One
Prod SaleAmt
A 100
B 150
A 200

Tbl Two
Prod Desc
A Aha
B Bla

I make one query to display prod desc together with saleamt. At this stage
everything seems to be Ok.

Problem arise when i create a report from the query and group the report by
desc. My result will be as follow

Desc SaleAmt
Aha 0
Bla 150

Footer for Desc will display 450.

What could have been wrong

Some error with the query or the report. Please open the query in SQL view and
post the SQL text here; also post the sorting and grouping field. Are you
displaying the SaleAmt in the Prod Header or the Footer?


I've rectified my error...Forgot to sum([saleamt]) in the desc header but not
in the footer...happened that B prod has only one row but not A...

Anyway thanks for your response

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