Sorting groups according to variance in excel



Hi everybody, let's see if someone can help me.

I have a excel worksheet with a list of every movie that came out in 2008.
The list is ordered by income of every movie, for example:

Zorro 290,000
Benjamin Button 400,000

And so on.
I have to divide the movies in four groups, and every group has to to have maximum omogeneity in the incomes. That is to say, the average variance of the incomes of every group has to be minimum.

Somebody told me to use the Anova excel function from the add-ins.

So i used the "anova: single factor" function.

But the problem is that this function lets me measure the average variance inside the group, and between the groups, but before i have to arbitrarily divide the groups by my own means.

Insted i need something that automatically creates the groups by the principle of lowest average variance for every group.

I am sorry for the mistakes, i am not a native english speaker.

Thank you in advance,


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