Sorting groups of multiple rows



I have a table I am using as a receipt book, I am using for summer camp
payment. I enter the receipts as I get them and each receipt is about 8 rows
and 15 columns of information.

1) I would like to be able to sort these receipts by name, however I can't
figure out how to group each receipt so that when it sorts the receipt stays
together as opposed to sorting each individual row and intermixing all my

2) I would also like to sum up the number of adults vs. kids. I have each
number in a separate cell in each receipt. I would like to write a formula
that says add each number in the cell that is the fourth one over and third
one down in each receipt without having to =SUM(A3+A10+A20+A30 and so on, as
I have over a hundred receipts this could get insanely tedious.

Thanks for any help you can give on either of these problems.


I should mention that I am using 2003, and I also have several formulas in
each receipt that are dependent on several other cells within the receipt but
not between cells.


That's a lot of info for each receipt. Do you really need 8x15 = 120 cells
for each receipt? If so, I would put some common name or id number on each
row of the group, so that when you sort you get them to all move together.
Can you do it that way?

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