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I have a sheet with twelve columns accross. My B column just contains
numbers from 01 through 14. I want to find all the 03s that are not
followed by 07, and copy them to a different sheet.

Paint 03 can lid

Car 01 truck door

door 03 door lid

babe 07 door lid

In the example above, since the car row in column B is not followed by
07, I want to copy the entire car row into a separate sheet.

any help given would be appreciated. Thank you.

Art Farrell


You could use Advanced Filter to filter results and put them on a separate

1- In F2 put formula '=AND(B2=03,B4<>07) . I'm assuming you
have blank rows between your data rows as you show. If not,
change B4 to B3.
2- Open a new Sheet, Sheet2.
3- With Sheet2 active go to Data > Filter > Advanced Filter
4- In the dialog box select 'Copy to another location'
5- Tab to the next box and select sheet1 and select all of your database.
6- Tab to the next box and select Criteria Range, F1:F2
7- Tab to Copy To and select Sheet2, A1.
8- Select OK. Your filtered results will be on Sheet2, A:D.

Art Farrell

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