Sorting in a Report



I am using Access 2003
I created a Db to list and sort products by Lot #. I made this field a text
field because the Lot #'s sometimes contain letters as well as numbers. Ex:
6408986 J1-3, 5-28-1, 6408986 I2-4, P2-1-2 and 6408986 G4-H1-2. When I sort
the list, it comes out funny to me. For example: 6408986 J1-3 comes before
5-28-1. I thought it should be the other way around 5 before 6. Ex #2:
6408986 I2-4 comes before 6408986 G4-H1-2. I thought that it should be the
other way around G before I.
Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong or thinking wrong? I think I
posted this questions last week, but can't find where I posted it before.
I would appreciate any help you can give me.


Duane Hookom

You stated "When I sort the list" but didn't tell use where/how you did this.
The only reliable method for sorting a report is using the Sorting and
Grouping within the report design. The sort order of the record source of a
report is generally ignored.


Thank you Duane. After I wrote this post, I realized what I had done wrong.
While I was using a query to sort my records, I was using the same original
report I had developed. I forgot to change the sorting of the report to
match the query. I am OK now. I appreciate your help -- Aurora

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