Sorting in a shared workbook



I have read all the stuff on what shared workbooks can and can't do, but I
have a shared workbook that on a daily basis I want to sort the data, and
save it so everyone using it can see the new sorted data. I am sure I used
to be able to do this (with the other users in the workbook), but then one
day after I had saved and gone out of the spreadsheet (it saved and looked ok
to me) the next time I went back in the work was all unsorted. Data that I
add, change, remove is all ok, but it seems to refuse to want to save the new
sort. Help please!

I had thought I had found the problem when I discovered several users
showing as being logged in days before, they must have not logged out
correctly. I kicked them out of the session and thought it had solved the
issue... until I went back in again.

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