I have a master list (static list) and a generated list (this list will
differ each time its generated). I would like to sort the generated list to
match up line by line to my master list. Is this possible without having to
manually manipulating the lists?
Master List Gen List w/ Count Desired Sort of Gen List w/ Count
1 Blue 4 Purple 12 1 Blue 10
2 Red 5 Green 8 2 Red 0
3 Yellow 1 Blue 10 3 Yellow 6
4 Purple 3 Yellow 6 4 Purple 12
5 Green 5 Green 8
6 Orange 6 Orange 0
differ each time its generated). I would like to sort the generated list to
match up line by line to my master list. Is this possible without having to
manually manipulating the lists?
Master List Gen List w/ Count Desired Sort of Gen List w/ Count
1 Blue 4 Purple 12 1 Blue 10
2 Red 5 Green 8 2 Red 0
3 Yellow 1 Blue 10 3 Yellow 6
4 Purple 3 Yellow 6 4 Purple 12
5 Green 5 Green 8
6 Orange 6 Orange 0