The record source is a query and the SQL is shown below:
SELECT [2005 Incident Rates].[Location Name], [2005 Incident
Rates].[Incident Rate], [2006 Incident Rates].[Incident Rate], [2007 Incident
Rates].[Incident Rate], [Current Quarter Incident Rates].[Incident Rate],
[2005 Incurred].Incurred, [2006 Incurred].Incurred, [2007 Incurred].Incurred,
[Current Quarter Incurred].Incurred
FROM (((([2005 Incident Rates] INNER JOIN [2006 Incident Rates] ON [2005
Incident Rates].LocNo=[2006 Incident Rates].LocNo) INNER JOIN [2007 Incident
Rates] ON [2006 Incident Rates].LocNo=[2007 Incident Rates].LocNo) INNER JOIN
[Current Quarter Incident Rates] ON [2007 Incident Rates].LocNo=[Current
Quarter Incident Rates].LocNo) INNER JOIN (([2005 Incurred] INNER JOIN [2006
Incurred] ON [2005 Incurred].LocNo=[2006 Incurred].LocNo) INNER JOIN [2007
Incurred] ON [2006 Incurred].LocNo=[2007 Incurred].LocNo) ON [Current Quarter
Incident Rates].LocNo=[2005 Incurred].LocNo) INNER JOIN [Current Quarter
Incurred] ON [2007 Incurred].LocNo=[Current Quarter Incurred].LocNo
ORDER BY [Current Quarter Incurred].Incurred;
The Detail section of my report shows:
Location Name & 2005 Incident Rate
Location Name & 2005 Incurred
Location Name & 2006 Incident Rate
Location Name & 2006 Incurred
Location Name & 2007 Incident Rate
Location Name & 2007 Incurred
Location Name & Current QTD Incident Rate
Location Name & Current QTD Incurred
The table that the query runs from has the following 8 fields:
LocNO (text)
Location Name (text)
Year (text)
Quarter (text)
Incident Rate (number)
Incurred (currency)
Payroll (currency)
Loss Rate (number)
Does this answer all of your questions?
Marshall Barton said:
If the report's record source is a query, then Copy/Paste
its SQL view. If it's a table, then just type the relevant
fields as a list. I suspect that you have an unnormalized
table with fields like
address04 Text
amount04 Currency
address05 Text
amount05 Currency
Then describe the layout of the sections and their controls.
E.g. I think your detail section contains four bound text
boxes side by side something like:
address04 amount04 address05 amount05
If my guess as to your table is reasonably close, then you
will not be able to get the report the way you want using
that record source. The table structure would need to be
normalized so there are no repeating fields (or faked by
using a Union query) so the report's record source looks
more like:
MVP [MS Access]
How can I get you the "the report's record source list of > fields and the
arrangement of controls in the report"?