sorting multiple minimum times


the swimmer

Hi all
I've created a database with times recorded for individuals in eac
event, distance etc swum. This gives a list from which I need to ge
the minimum time swum by each competitor in each event taking say th
best ten times overall in each group. Its easy to sort out the best 1
times using a function like 'small' but I need to filter sorting ou
best 10 times in each group by competitor event, age of competitor an
possibly other criteria (like male/female etc) At present I'm stumpe
any help would be appreciated. I've seen some bespoke add ins availabl
from people like dbdig but feel sure it can be done by advance
filtering and formulas. Any help appreciated


I'm willing to take the challenge but unfortunatley I'm a visual kinda guy.
If you feel comfortable sending me the spreadsheet I'd be willing to take a

I used to swim in High School. 100m Butterfly. So I understand what you're
trying to get at.

Send the file and I'll do what I can.

-Jacob F. Roecker

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