Sorting page numbers


Mike C

Is there a simple way of sorting pages back into numeric
order after building a large spread sheet so they appear
in ascending order on the monitor.
Without renumbering that is



David McRitchie

Hi Mike,
Your question is not clear to me, so here are three interpretations
even if it is a stretch compared to even what you indicated.

If you sorted the rows into a different order and want to restore
them you can restore the order if you previous numbered your
rows by placing a 1 on a new column (helper column) and
used the fill-handle to place 2 into next cell, and 3 into next, etc.

If you mean reordering the sheet tabs themselves into alphabetical

This one is even further out. If you want to show the row number
you currently have then you can use the formula
or if you don't want it to match Excel's row number but that of the
data, something like =ROW()-1

What is unclear is what you mean by pages because you don't
see pages until the worksheet(s) is printed. Also by what you mean
by spread sheet (whether workbook, or worksheet).

If you are referring to the printing of pages coming out in reverse
order, some print drivers (not Excel) provide for printing in
reverse order, or odd then even pages, or Duplex (two-sided) printing.

David McRitchie

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the feedback, it is always helpful to know which
kind of answer you were really looking for.

Incorrect terms can make for confusing questions.
Next question is should we pester Chip Pearson to add
definitions of "worksheet", "workbook", "spreadsheet", and "page"
to his or should we
pester some of the people that have FAQ web pages for Excel.

Excel FAQs list of FAQ by John Walkenbach. .
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Microsoft Excel
Debra Dalgleish's site, contributions gathered by Harald Staff (see item #5)

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