Sorting pages



Sorry about the "ww.doroger' post.

I need to be able to sort the pages in a section alpha-numerically... is
this possible?


Thanks for the pointer. I am running 2007 and the add-on performed as
advertised.. no problems, and will be a real time saver.

I use OneNote Mobile as well as desktop OneNote. I use !,#,@ to sort my
notes in a David Allen "GTD" sort of way. All of that ties back into
OfficeLive, WindowsMobile Alerts, LiveSpaces, etc etc...
On occasion my Vista Windows Mobile Device Center just...well.. doesn't
recognize the device and a new partnership has to be created. This creates a
second OneNote Mobile section called "DeviceName_2". Although the mobile
device sorts the pages, the local App doesn't... or at least it didn't before
I downloaded this app.
I really... appreciate... your time... you certainly saved me a bunch of
Thanks again..
And Thanks Danel Escapa for creating the tool.

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