Sorting Problem



Under the tools menu, 'Sort' is no longer highlighted.
So, I can no longer sort with Excel. This is very
frustrating. It just turned off one day. Nothing seems to
make a difference.

Does anybody have any ideas about how to fix this? Thanks.


On my system Sort is under the Data menu instead of tools. You might have
customized your menus but something similar to below might help. This all
goes on a single line in the immediate/debug window.

"&Sort...").enabled = True

You might also modify the following VBA code to help inspect
you commandbars.

Sub test()
Debug.Print "Name/Caption : BuiltIn : Visible : Enabled"
With Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar
Debug.Print .Name; ":"; .BuiltIn; ":"; .Visible; ":"; .Enabled & vbCrLf
With .Controls("&data")
Debug.Print .Caption; ":"; .BuiltIn; ":"; .Visible; ":"; .Enabled &
For Each ctl In .CommandBar.Controls
Debug.Print ctl.Caption; ":"; ctl.BuiltIn; ":"; ctl.Visible;
":"; ctl.Enabled
End With
End With
End Sub

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