sorting problem.



For instance:

Company XX 10% A owes 5.1 Loan A
20% B owes Loan B
30% C owes

Company YY 60% A owes 4.1 Loan A
10% B owes Loan B
20% C owes

when i sort the data, say like Column A (by company), when I choose "Company
XX", only the first row appears of Company XX appears, as follows

" Company XX 10% A owes 5.1 Loan A "

Can i set anything so that, when i sort the data, all information about
company XX will appear?

My desired result is

"Company XX 10% A owes 5.1 Loan A
20% B owes Loan B
30% C owes "


John C

If you are sorting in column A, that has company XX only on 1 row, it is NOT
showing any row that does NOT have the value of Company XX in the cell.
Therefore, rows 2 & 3 will not show when you filter, because they are blank
in column A.

If you like the aesthetic of the 2 'blank' cells, you could always use the
conditional formatting to 'white out' the text as needed. In other words, go
ahead and type the company names 3 times (or however many) for each set of
data, then, assuming your data set of company names starts in row 2,
highlight from A2 through to however far you need, go to menu
Format-->Condtional Formatting. Change the drop down box to Formula Is, and
type the following formula:
Click on your Format button, then change the font to 'white', so that when
the value is true, it will change the font to white in column A.

Sort to your hearts content.

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