I deleted a previous question on this, but I now can't view the thread.
Please accept my appology. I need to start again.
Field: DBxInst: ([DBNum]*1000)+[Inst Num]
Field: TheSortOrder:
The Sorting and Grouping window contains TheSortOrder.
When MySortOrder = 1, the report is sorted correctly by [BankName].
When MysortOrder = 2, the report is not sorted by [BankName], nor is it
sorted by [DBxInst], because the value of DBxInst is WRONG. But if I
put [DBxInst] in the Sorting and Grouping window instead of MySortOrder,
then it will sort correctly by this numeric value.
Help please...
Please accept my appology. I need to start again.
Field: DBxInst: ([DBNum]*1000)+[Inst Num]
Field: TheSortOrder:
The Sorting and Grouping window contains TheSortOrder.
When MySortOrder = 1, the report is sorted correctly by [BankName].
When MysortOrder = 2, the report is not sorted by [BankName], nor is it
sorted by [DBxInst], because the value of DBxInst is WRONG. But if I
put [DBxInst] in the Sorting and Grouping window instead of MySortOrder,
then it will sort correctly by this numeric value.
Help please...