sorting question



I have column with that I am using cond form to check for dups.
Is there a way to sort the column asceding or descending were the non-dups
to the top or bottom of the col
not very familiar with the adv auto filter

Bernie Deitrick

Use another column, filled with a formula like this:


then sort you whole sheet based on that column, descending to get the dupes
at the top, ascending to get the dupes at the bottom.

MS Excel MVP

Shane Devenshire


If you are using 2007 and you've applied condtional formatting then you can
sort by color.

Highlight the column with the conditional formatting and choose Home, Sort &
Filter, Custom Sort. From the Sort On drop down pick Cell Color, from the
Order color choose the color of your conditional formatting, from the next
drop down choose On Top or On Bottom.

- This will result in all the conditionally formatted items being at the
bottom or top but in no particular order. So one of the nice new features in
2007 is you can apply multiple sorts to the same column!

Click Add Level and in the Sort On column leave Values, for the Order drop
down leave Smallest to Largest or whatever is appropriate.

- now all the duplicates will be at the top by color and within there color
sorted low to high.


Nice !!!!!!!!

Bernie Deitrick said:
Use another column, filled with a formula like this:


then sort you whole sheet based on that column, descending to get the dupes
at the top, ascending to get the dupes at the bottom.

MS Excel MVP

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