sorting question


steve goodrich

I have a database which includes a date of birth field'
I run a report based on a query showing me the "birthdays this month"
I added a column to the query Month([date of birth]) criteria Month(Now())
I would like to sort the birthdays by day - when I sort by the date of birth
it sorts by year
how do I get it to sort by day
many thanks


I have a database which includes a date of birth field'
I run a report based on a query showing me the "birthdays this month"
I added a column to the query Month([date of birth]) criteria Month(Now())
I would like to sort the birthdays by day - when I sort by the date of birth
it sorts by year
how do I get it to sort by day
many thanks

If this is in a report, then the sorting order of the query is
You must sort the report in the report's Sorting and Grouping dialog.
In Report Design View, click on View + Sorting and Grouping.
In the Field/Expression column, write on the top line:

=Format([DateOfBirth],"dd mm")
Set the sort to Ascending.

Since your query is being filtered to return only the current month
birth dates, the report will display the records sorted by that
month's days.

steve goodrich

Many thanks Fred, worked perfectly
fredg said:
I have a database which includes a date of birth field'
I run a report based on a query showing me the "birthdays this month"
I added a column to the query Month([date of birth]) criteria
I would like to sort the birthdays by day - when I sort by the date of
it sorts by year
how do I get it to sort by day
many thanks

If this is in a report, then the sorting order of the query is
You must sort the report in the report's Sorting and Grouping dialog.
In Report Design View, click on View + Sorting and Grouping.
In the Field/Expression column, write on the top line:

=Format([DateOfBirth],"dd mm")
Set the sort to Ascending.

Since your query is being filtered to return only the current month
birth dates, the report will display the records sorted by that
month's days.

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