Sorting Records Automatically



Is there a way to have the records automatically sorted,
by ID for example, when the database is opened. Right
now, when we enter new records into the form, they stay in
the order in which they were entered. Different people
are entering records at different times with various ID
numbers. We would like to be able to "scroll through" the
records in the form in order of ID number.
Thanks in advance

Joan Wild

Base your from on a query where you can specify sort ascending on the ID


Thanks for your reply.
My form is based on a query. I specified sort ascending
for the ID field, saved and closed the database. When I
go back into the form, the records are still in the order
as originally entered - not sorted. Any other ideas as to
what I may be doing wrong?
Also, I have a list box on the form so the user can pick a
record to jump to for editing. I would like to see this
also sorted. Or, do you think there is a better way
to "go to" a certain record according to ID?
Thanks in advance for any responses.


I got the sorting to work in the form. I'll post a new
question regarding the sorting of a list box.

Joan Wild

Mac said:
Thanks for your reply.
My form is based on a query. I specified sort ascending
for the ID field, saved and closed the database. When I
go back into the form, the records are still in the order
as originally entered - not sorted. Any other ideas as to
what I may be doing wrong?

Check to see if there is a sort order in the form's properties.
Also, I have a list box on the form so the user can pick a
record to jump to for editing. I would like to see this
also sorted. Or, do you think there is a better way
to "go to" a certain record according to ID?

I would use a combobox to do this. If you use the wizard to add it to your
form, you'll see an option to 'find a record on my form....'

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