I have a task where I have to compare the balance of each individual customer
account in our company accounts receiablve in the current week to the
previous week. For each week, I have 2 columns- one for customer account
numbers and the the second for account balance. A cusomter may appear on the
list for one week and not thefollowing week's list in the case where the
customer has paid resulting to no balance in the account the following week
and vice versa. When puting all data in one spreadsheet for week-by-week
comparison of each individual customer account balance, I am having a problem
with how to sort the rows in each of the customer account column wherby each
customer account number in the current week column line up across with the
same customer account number in the previous week column so that I can make a
week-by-week account balance comparison for each individual account numbers.
Please help!
account in our company accounts receiablve in the current week to the
previous week. For each week, I have 2 columns- one for customer account
numbers and the the second for account balance. A cusomter may appear on the
list for one week and not thefollowing week's list in the case where the
customer has paid resulting to no balance in the account the following week
and vice versa. When puting all data in one spreadsheet for week-by-week
comparison of each individual customer account balance, I am having a problem
with how to sort the rows in each of the customer account column wherby each
customer account number in the current week column line up across with the
same customer account number in the previous week column so that I can make a
week-by-week account balance comparison for each individual account numbers.
Please help!