sorting text & numbers



How can I sort text followed by a number? My project is creating an
inventory of more than 1200 unnamed jpg's. I have many pictures of an
'event' and need a distinguishing number after the name for sorting purposes.
I have 11 pictures of an event. When I sort I get "name - 1, name - 10,
name - 11, name - 2". Can I get Excel to treat the number following the name
as a number?

I'm using Excel 2007.

Thanks for any help..........


Gary''s Student

You need to isolate the number. If you labels are in column A, then in B1:

=--RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(" - ",A1)-2)

So if A1 has:
fgteyci - 567
then B1 will show

Now you can sort columns A & B by B.

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