sorting through unknown source data as it is entered



If Worksheet1! column A is designated for names and column B is for #sales,
but NO data has been entered in either columns yet, Can I have another
worksheet (Worksheet2! column A & B) create a running list of how many sales
each employee makes to date?

1) Worksheet1! column A & B is blank to start with
2) Within the next week Column A has 100 different names of salespeople and
Column B has their number of sales
3) Of the 100 names, Peter appears 20 times in column A and his sales in
Column B equals 40
4) I now need Worksheet2!A1 to have "Peter" in the cell and Worksheet2!B1 to
have 40 in the cell. I DON'T want Peter to appear 20 times in Worksheet2!
column A. A1 stays the same, but B2 changes as more Peters are entered in
Worksheet1 column A.
5) I then need the rest of the names and sales in Worksheet2!A2 and B2 to do
the same for the other names.

In essence, one cell in Worksheet2 needs to sort through an entire column in
Worksheet1 AS DATA IS ENTERED. The source data is unknown until it is

Martin Fishlock


Enter the names on Worksheet2 in the column A:


now in B1:
and copy if down the list of names.

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