You don't really need a macro to perform this : You will
need first to create a Custom list ( in tools option ) to
define the index of your colors. Then simply apply a
Data / Sort, Key1 : you color column, Key2 : names.
Clicking on options will let you change the first key
order from normal to your psero list.
If you want however to use a macro, here is the code you
might use to create this perso list:
Application.AddCustomList ListArray:=Array
("red", "yellow", "green").
To call, use ( in this case, "8" being the index you just
created ): Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), OrderCustom:=8
need first to create a Custom list ( in tools option ) to
define the index of your colors. Then simply apply a
Data / Sort, Key1 : you color column, Key2 : names.
Clicking on options will let you change the first key
order from normal to your psero list.
If you want however to use a macro, here is the code you
might use to create this perso list:
Application.AddCustomList ListArray:=Array
("red", "yellow", "green").
To call, use ( in this case, "8" being the index you just
created ): Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), OrderCustom:=8