Sorting when data is on 2 rows???



I have data presented on rows as follows:

1 128655 Black, Robert 9:00 AM Breakfast meeting at Holiday
2 Inn. Casual.
3 123456 Blow, Joe 4:30 PM Customer wants to come
4 in to visit
about a new
5 business

How can I sort Column 1 (128655 and 123456) so that Row 2 information stays
with 128655 and row 4 and 5 stays with 123456?

Can I be done?



PB Martin

It looks as though the text for a particulart row in column 4 could all be
placed in a single cell. If so, you could format column D by highlighting
it and choosing "Format...Cell...Alignment... " and click the wrap text
checkbox. You could then doubleclick the line beneath the letter of the row
you want to expand and the row height will adjust to show you all of the
text in the cell. You could then sort the rows normally using the sort

PB Martin

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