Hi all,
Has anyone ever tried to sort data on an Excel
spreadsheet from Access? If so, how did you do it? I
have not been having much luck - Access does not like the
VBA calls to excel - it doesn't like the Range call...
Thanks in advance!!
objActiveWkb.Application.Selection.Sort Key1 = Range
("G2"), Order1 = xlDescending, Header = xlGuess,
OrderCustom = 1, MatchCase = False, Orientation =
Has anyone ever tried to sort data on an Excel
spreadsheet from Access? If so, how did you do it? I
have not been having much luck - Access does not like the
VBA calls to excel - it doesn't like the Range call...
Thanks in advance!!
objActiveWkb.Application.Selection.Sort Key1 = Range
("G2"), Order1 = xlDescending, Header = xlGuess,
OrderCustom = 1, MatchCase = False, Orientation =