Francis Hookham
Capitalising the header row of a database lets Sort... recognise the header
row so that the toolbar Sort button excludes the heading while sorting
That is working in XL98 but it seems not to be working with XL 2001 - I
thought it was working that way when I last used 2001 on another Mac -
perhaps there is some default on the 2001 installation which has been
Any thoughts
Francis Hookham
Capitalising the header row of a database lets Sort... recognise the header
row so that the toolbar Sort button excludes the heading while sorting
That is working in XL98 but it seems not to be working with XL 2001 - I
thought it was working that way when I last used 2001 on another Mac -
perhaps there is some default on the 2001 installation which has been
Any thoughts
Francis Hookham