

Bleu Water

I am completely new to using MS Access!

I'm not sure if this will be an Access question or Excel question
(more than likely, I will be heading to another forum after this one)

I hope I will be explaining myself where you all will understand. Let
say, going down Column A is a list of items and going across Column B
C, Etc... are companies that buy the items.

Going down the list of items, can i put just an 'X' under each compan
that would buy the item, and have MS Access sort it?

I am wanting to make a database where if I click on an item, all th
customers pop up that buy it.

Is this possible under MS Access?

Thank you all for any information!!

Bleu Wate

John Nurick

Hi Bleu,
I am wanting to make a database where if I click on an item, all the
customers pop up that buy it.

This is possible in either Excel or Access - but because one is a
spreadsheet and the other is a database system you'd go about it in very
different ways in the two of them. Having items in column A and
companies in row 1 and Xs at the intersections is a natural way of doing
it in Excel but is totally inappropriate in a real database.

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