SOS: Excel custom Toolbar



I created a custom Excel Toolbar with VBA. It worked in Windows Excel, but
the buttons failed to load in Mac Excel. The error message says
Run-time error '-2147483640(-7FFFFFF8)':
Method 'FaceId' of object 'CommandBarButton' failed

If I comment out the .FaceId = 642
Then the error message becomes
Method 'OnAction' of object 'CommandBarButton' failed
Can someone help me to find what is
wrong with the code?
Thank you very much.

Private Sub CreateDesignToolbar()
Dim TBar As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Lenses Design").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
Set TBar = Application.CommandBars.Add
With TBar
.Name = "Lenses Design"
.Protection = msoBarNoCustomize
.Position = msoBarFloating
.Visible = True
End With
Call AddDesignButton
End Sub

Sub AddDesignButton()
Set NewBtn1 = Application.CommandBars("Lenses
With NewBtn1
.FaceId = 642
.OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.LensDesign"
.Caption = "Design"
.TooltipText = "Design aerodynamic lenses"
.Style = 3
End With
Set NewBtn2 = Application.CommandBars("Lenses
With NewBtn2
.FaceId = 2174
.OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.OtherSizes"
.Caption = "More"
.TooltipText = "Examine other sizes"
.Style = 3
End With

Set NewBtn3 = Application.CommandBars("Lenses
With NewBtn3
.FaceId = 688
.OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.Reset"
.Caption = "Reset"
.TooltipText = "Reset to default parameters"
.Style = 3
End With

Set NewBtn4 = Application.CommandBars("Lenses
With NewBtn4
.FaceId = 49
' .OnAction = "ThisWorkbook.OtherSizes"
.Caption = "Help"
.TooltipText = "Help"
.Style = 3
End With
End Sub

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