sound recorder and office (both office2003 vista and office 2000 x



Hi there, wonder if i can get a bit of help.
I have tried to install the voice recognition engine (SRE) on my pc wich is
using XP and Office2000, found a great how to on the windows site, but when I
loaded in my Office disc and tried to find the "Alternative User Input" box I
could find nothing.
Sop I thought I would try the Vista PC downstairs as this is running Office
2003, went to the tools tab found "speech" checked it "installing program"
Great, no worri----
Windows needs the disc to continue set up.....
This is a major problem as Office was pre installed as this is an out of the
box job so no discs what-so-ever, can anyone help me please, Irealy need some
sort of speech to text program.
Your thoughts would be greatley appriciated


If Office was supplied preinstalled you would need to ask your supplier
where the disks are, they are obliged to supply a means of restoring your PC
to as supplied condition.
If it was a trial that you converted then did you not select the option to
obtain the disks?

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