Sound when saving does not stick



Word 11.2

The preferences for "Provide Feedback with Sound" continuously unchecks
itself often. I have to check it all the time. Anyone encounter this? I
use this to hear the sound while saving.

Any fix? It seem to have gotten worst in this latest upgrade.

I'm using OS X 10.4.3 but it was happening in 10.4.2.

Michel Bintener

Yes, I've noticed that, too, and I have not been able to determine what
precisely causes the switch-back. It's particularly bad in PowerPoint (which
I use maybe once a month or so to open some emailed nonsense), where I can
be sure that the sounds will no longer be there as soon as I open a new
file. What I have observed: could it be related to the documents being
created under Windows? I know this sounds strange, but it's usually after
viewing documents created with WinOffice that the sounds preference unchecks
itself. As I said, I'm not sure what causes it, but the fact that each
document comes from a Windows environment seems to be the only common factor
I've been able to determine. And it doesn't happen with every document,
either, which makes it even more difficult to find the cause.

But here's another strange behaviour I discovered, and once again, I can't
really find out what causes it as it does not seem to be happening
consistently: in Word, after working for some time on a document (freshly
created on my Powerbook), only some sounds stop working. Well, it's the same
sound, actually, the "ping" sound you can hear when saving a document or
when selecting Word>About Word. Other sounds, such as undo/redo etc., still
work, and quitting/restarting Word makes all the sounds come back. Strange.

So, sorry for not being any help, I'm afraid this is just a "me too"

Matt Centurión [MSFT]

Date: 11/4/05 8:10 PM / From: "[email protected] said:
Word 11.2

The preferences for "Provide Feedback with Sound" continuously unchecks
itself often. I have to check it all the time. Anyone encounter this? I
use this to hear the sound while saving.

Any fix? It seem to have gotten worst in this latest upgrade.

I'm using OS X 10.4.3 but it was happening in 10.4.2.

This is incredibly strange and shouldn't be happening. Does it happen
immediately after setting the preference, quitting Word and re-launching
Word? Or only after some use? I tried opening various files, Mac/PC etc..
And no problems here. Please let us know if you have additional information
that can help us track this down.


MacWord Testing

Michel Bintener

This is incredibly strange and shouldn't be happening. Does it happen
immediately after setting the preference, quitting Word and re-launching
Word? Or only after some use? I tried opening various files, Mac/PC etc..
And no problems here. Please let us know if you have additional information
that can help us track this down.


MacWord Testing

Hi Matt,

as I said, it happens quite infrequently, and I haven't paid too much
attention to it, so I won't be able to help you that much. However, here's
the few things I have noticed:

in the case of documents coming from a Windows computer, they were all (I
think) created with Word 2000, with the sound feedback option not installed.
I really don't think that this is responsible for it (after all, such a
preference would not be stored in a Word document, would it?). But still,
this is a similarity that I thought I should point it out.

As for some of the sounds disappearing and only reappearing after a relaunch
of Word, yes, that only happens after spending quite some time on a
document. I can always notice it when I hit Cmd+S and I don't hear the
familiar Ping sound. Relaunching Word (not changing the preferences, in that
case: there's no need to, as the other sounds, for Undo, or Paste, are still
working) solves the problem.

I will spend quite some time in Word over the next couple of weeks as I have
several assignments due, and should I notice anything else, I'll let you



Ok, I guess I must NOT be nuts. I got so tired of resetting the sounds,
that I've just punted on them completely. I'd almost forgotten that it HAD
sound--I've not used them in such a long time.


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