Sounds in Access 97?


Héjja Károly

Is there a possibility to make sounds with Access 97 by
providing the freqvency and duration of the sounds,
without using the sound card (like in Pascal: "Sound
(500); delay(1000); NoSound;" which emits the sound of
the freqvency 500 Hz for 1000 milliseconds)?

Thanks for the response!


Héjja Károly

Thanks, Doug, this is exactly what I needed! I begin to
realise, that "kernel32" provides many times the solution
when the thing isn't built in in Access (e. g.: waiting
for N milliseconds).


Douglas J. Steele

It's a case of "they didn't build it into Access because it already existed
in kernel32". That's the whole point of APIs: take advantage of already
existing functionality.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

Thanks, Doug, this is exactly what I needed! I begin to
realise, that "kernel32" provides many times the solution
when the thing isn't built in in Access (e. g.: waiting
for N milliseconds).


Douglas J. Steele

Yes, both the Frequency and Duration parameters are ignored in Win95, Win98
and WinME: all it does is play the system's default sound (assuming one has
been assigned through the Control Panel applet)

One option under those operating systems would be to record .WAV files of
the appropriate frequencies, and use the code at at "The Access Web" to play those
WAV files.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

Hi, Doug!

There is, however, a problem: in Windows 98 and older
the method described is not functioning. I checked on the
Internet and I have found that in Windows 98 and older
the parameters of the Beep function are ignored. What
could be the solution in case of these operation systems?



Héjja Károly


This code is working with Windows 98. Although Midi
files are played with about one second delay, .wav files
are played almost instantly (I think because there is no


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