I have a table which has a list of medications for a patient.
Table: PatientMedications
Field: PatID
Field: Medicaiton
Field: Dosage
Field: Frequency
The information is updated to the table using a form with a text box as
the medication input box.
Unfortunately there are a lot of user that input the medications (their
way) into the text field.
Example: One user types: Fish Oil 2 grams per day
Another User : Fish Oil 2 g
The design of the form was created before I came into the picture. As
you can see the users are typing in the dosage and frequency within the
same field.
What I need:
A list of patients using certain medications by physician. Each
physician has his/her own database tables which are linked when you
select the physician.
I created a simple query and based a form off of the query with combo
boxes to select the medication name.
SELECT PatientMedication.Medication, Patient.IDNumber, Patient.Name,
Patient.Address, Patient.City, Patient.State, Patient.ZipCode,
Patient.Birthdate, Patient.DateofLastVisit, ReferringPhysician.[Proper
Name], Eval("[Forms]![PatientVisitDate]![Attending].column(0)") AS
FROM (Patient INNER JOIN PatientMedication ON Patient.IDNumber =
PatientMedication.IDNumber) INNER JOIN ReferringPhysician ON
Patient.ReferringPhysician = ReferringPhysician.IDNumber
(((PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed1] Or
(PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed2] Or
(PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed3] Or
(PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed14] Or
There are about a dozen (if not more) versions of the same medication.
Does anyone know how to return all of the versions of the same
medication if the user types part of the medication?
Example: User types Fish
Query returns all of the medications with the word
fish in it.
Table: PatientMedications
Field: PatID
Field: Medicaiton
Field: Dosage
Field: Frequency
The information is updated to the table using a form with a text box as
the medication input box.
Unfortunately there are a lot of user that input the medications (their
way) into the text field.
Example: One user types: Fish Oil 2 grams per day
Another User : Fish Oil 2 g
The design of the form was created before I came into the picture. As
you can see the users are typing in the dosage and frequency within the
same field.
What I need:
A list of patients using certain medications by physician. Each
physician has his/her own database tables which are linked when you
select the physician.
I created a simple query and based a form off of the query with combo
boxes to select the medication name.
SELECT PatientMedication.Medication, Patient.IDNumber, Patient.Name,
Patient.Address, Patient.City, Patient.State, Patient.ZipCode,
Patient.Birthdate, Patient.DateofLastVisit, ReferringPhysician.[Proper
Name], Eval("[Forms]![PatientVisitDate]![Attending].column(0)") AS
FROM (Patient INNER JOIN PatientMedication ON Patient.IDNumber =
PatientMedication.IDNumber) INNER JOIN ReferringPhysician ON
Patient.ReferringPhysician = ReferringPhysician.IDNumber
(((PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed1] Or
(PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed2] Or
(PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed3] Or
(PatientMedication.Medication)=[Forms]![frmMedications]![cmbMed14] Or
There are about a dozen (if not more) versions of the same medication.
Does anyone know how to return all of the versions of the same
medication if the user types part of the medication?
Example: User types Fish
Query returns all of the medications with the word
fish in it.