Source Data Ranges in Charts



Is there a way an Excel chart (Excel 2000) can dynamically determine th
beginning and end of source data ranges? Perhaps based on markers i
the worksheet, or the use of a function of some sort in the data sourc

Imagine a single column of values from rows 1 to 2000. This column o
values describes a series of "events" in order from top to bottom o
the column. Each event equates to a separate data series in the chart
In the chart each data series is hardcoded with the beginning an
ending cell references of each event.

The problem is this:
When the parameters of the underlying values changes, not only do th
values being plotted change (no problem since they are updated in th
chart automatically), but the beginning and end of each data serie
also changes. So far, the only way to update the ranges of the sourc
data seems to be to right click on the chart, go into data source an
manually type in the new beginning and ending cell references.

This itself would not be a problem except that we are talking abou
many, many worksheets and more than a hundred charts that requir
editing whenever a change takes place. It would be a big help if ther
were a way that Excel could determine where the beginning and end o
the series are by (in concept) moving markers on the worksheet tha
indicate the beginning and end of each series. I have not had any luc
so far.

I appreciate any ideas. Hopefully the explanation is fairly clear.
can provide any clarification that may be needed. Thank you for you

Alan Gange

Tushar Mehta

If the data set for each event is contiguous (i.e., no gaps in between
the start and end cells), you could use the concept in the Excel |
Tutorials | 'Dynamic Charts' page of my web site. Yes, you would have
to change all the charts so that they use the appropriate named
formulas, but after that, they would update automatically.

[Posted directly to the Usenet newsgroup -- no affiliation with


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
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