source data with two decimal points?



I'm trying to chart some data that has two decimal points, ie 3.4.5, 3.5.4,
4.1.3, etc
When there is one decimal point there are no problems but with data with two
decimal points the chart seems to show all values as being zero?
Any ideas?

David Biddulph

Yes, of course it shows as zero, as a string with more than one period mark
is a text string, not a number.

If you want to convert the text string into an equivalent number you'll need
to define the rules for the conversion. Will there be only one character
between pairs of "decimal points" or are numbers such as 3.15.45 valid (in
which case how many digits are permitted)? You may find that the easiest
way of converting is to use Data/ Text to Columns with the full stop as
separator, then recombine according to your rules.

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